



1 (华中师范大学 体育学院,湖北 武汉 430079)  

要:以生物技术、智能技术等现代科学技术的急速发展与广泛运用为特征的后人类时代 正加速教育的身体回归,然而学校体育却因此出现身体的焦虑与隐忧。挖掘与建构身体新质以引 领身体发展、克服身体焦虑,成为学校体育高质量发展的重要诉求。采用文献资料、逻辑分析等 方法,对后人类时代学校体育中的身体新质进行探讨。研究认为科技解构学校体育中“天然身体” 的同时,还建构了一种具有自主适配、技术具身、和合共生等新特质的“后身体”。学校体育因而 应实现由学科逻辑向文化逻辑的实践转换,成为技术介入下的身体解放路径,这一转换也是后人 类时代学校体育改革与创新的理论原点。 


中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)06-0001-07 

 Exploration on new-quality body characteristics of school physical education  during the post-human era  

HUANG AifengWANG Shichao 

 (School of Physical Education and sportsCentral China Normal UniversityWuhan 430079China)  

Abstract: The post-human era marked by the rapid advancement and extensive application of emerging  technologies such as biotechnology and intelligent systems, is propelling a body renaissance in education. However,  due to this condition school physical education has led to heightened body anxiety and underlying concerns, so  exploring and cultivating new bodily qualities to facilitate body development and mitigate body anxiety has  emerged as a critical demand for the high-quality evolution of school physical education. Utilizing the method of  literature review and logical analysis, this paper examines the novel characteristics of school physical education in  the post-human era. The study indicates that frequent technological iterations not only deconstruct the 'natural body'  prevalent in traditional school physical education, but also construct a 'post-body' characterized by autonomous  adaptation, technological enhancement, harmony, and symbiosis. Thus, transitioning from disciplinary logic to  cultural logic represents a pathway toward bodily liberation amidst technological intervention, and this shift also  serves as the theoretical foundation for reforming and innovating school physical education in the post-human era. 

Keywords: school physical educationpost-human eranew-quality of bodyphilosophy of technology
