


(湖南师范大学 体育学院 体适能与运动康复湖南省重点实验室 湖南省体育公共服务研究基地,湖南 长沙  410012)



中图分类号:G80-05    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1006-7116(2024)05-0062-06


Effect of HAES intervention on obese adolescents eating disorder tendency and physical exercise behavior: The mediating effect of weight self-stigma


(School of Physical EducationKey Laboratory of Physical Fitness and Exercise RehabilitationResearch Center for Sports Public Services of Hunan ProvinceHunan Normal University, Changsha 410012China)


Abstract: This study explores the effect of two different types of health at every size intervention on obese adolescents’ eating disorder tendency (EDT) and physical exercise (PE), as well as the mediating effect of weight selfstigma (WSS) between them. 156 obese adolescents were randomly selected and then divided into three groups: experimental group A received intensified HAES-based intervention (I-HAES intervention), experimental group B received traditional HAES-based intervention (T-HAES intervention), and the control group did not intervene. The experimental intervention lasted 8 weeks. The results reveal that: the time and group main effect, as well as the time and group interactive effect of WSS and EDT were significant, and the time main effect of PE behavior was significant, but the group main effect, time and group interactive effect were not significant; the two interventions had a significant effect on WSS and EDT, but the effect of I-HAES intervention was stronger; I-HAES intervention had a significant effect on PE behavior, but the T-HAES intervention was not significant; compared with T-HAES intervention, I-HAES intervention had stronger direct and indirect effects on EDT; I-HAES intervention had indirect effects on PE behavior through WSS, but the indirect effect of T-HAES intervention was not significant. The study holds that compared with T-HAES intervention, I-HAES intervention had better effect on reducing WSS and EDT, and improving PE levels in obese adolescents.

Keywords: sport psychologyHAES–based interventionweight self–stigmaeating disorder tendencyphysical exercise behavior
