(1.武汉体育学院 心理学系,湖北 武汉 430079;2.武汉体育学院 运动训练监控湖北省重点实验室, 湖北 武汉 430079;3.武汉学院 通识教育课部,湖北 武汉 430212)
摘 要:为了深入探讨资深马拉松业余跑者良性自虐的表现形式、动机来源和认知特点,运 用现象学研究方法以 13 名资深马拉松业余跑者为访谈对象,并对访谈文本进行分析。研究结果表 明:(1)良性自虐现象普遍存在于资深马拉松业余跑者群体中;(2)资深马拉松业余跑者良性自虐的 表现形式主要体现在环境、生理和心理等 3 个方面;(3)资深马拉松业余跑者良性自虐的动机来源 主要包括挑战自我、过往经历、同伴激励、追求刺激和探索未知等 5 个方面;(4)资深马拉松业余 跑者良性自虐在认知上反映出追求认同接纳、能力体现和利弊权衡的结果。研究认为良性自虐行 为对于资深马拉松业余跑者利弊共存,需要积极引导宣传、正确教育和制度合理管控,保障马拉 松跑者安全科学运动,促进身心健康。
关 键 词:运动心理学;良性自虐;马拉松跑者;现象学
中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)05-0044-09
Pain with pleasure:The phenomenological research of benign masochism among the senior amateur marathon runners
ZHU Dapeng1, 2,ZHOU Wen3
(1.School of Psychology,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,China; 2.Hubei Exercise Training and Monitoring Key Laboratory,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,China; 3.Section of Liberal Education,Wuhan College,Wuhan 430212,China)
Abstract:To examine the manifestations, motivational sources and cognitive characteristics of benign masochism among the senior amateur marathon runners, this study interviewed 13 senior amateur marathon runners with the methods of phenomenological research and then analyzed the interview texts. The research results show that (1) the phenomenon of benign masochism is prevalent among senior amateur marathon runners; (2) the manifestations of benign masochism among senior amateur marathon runners are mainly reflected in three aspects including environment, physiology and psychology; (3) the motivation sources of benign masochism among senior amateur marathon runners mainly include five aspects, that is challenging themselves, past experiences, peer encouragement, pursuit of excitement, and exploring the unknown; (4) the benign masochism among senior amateur marathon runners cognitively reflects the pursuit of recognition and acceptance, ability expression and the result of weighing pros and cons. The study suggest that benign masochism has both advantages and disadvantages for senior amateur marathon runners. Active guidance and publicity, correct education and reasonable institutional control are needed to ensure safe and scientific exercise for marathon runners and promote the participants’ physical and mental health.
Keywords: sports psychology;benign masochism;marathon runners;phenomenology