


(安徽师范大学 体育学院,安徽 芜湖 241002)  

     要:探究体育人类学研究的史学转向问题,需在跨学科视角下,从学科概念、方法与范 式出发,反思其方法论的局限性,继而阐明史学思维对推动体育人类学研究方法论变革的重要意 义。研究认为体育人类学研究的史学转向提供重新认知体育研究对象的方法,拓展勾连体育文化 与中国文化的研究视野,更迭体育文化行为解释的研究范式,提供以微观体育管窥社会结构变迁 的叙事方法。以上述方法论为指引开展体育人类学研究,形成田野经验在历史上的延续性,不仅 在空间维度上深化对微观体育行为的文化叙事,而且在时间维度上强化体育文化的历史过程叙事, 继而为体育人类学整体性研究提供新的思考,推进体育人类学研究的本土化、体系化发展。 


中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)05-0022-07  

The historical turn of research on the sports anthropology and its reflections  

LIU GuanqiHUA Jiatao 

 (School of Physical EducationAnhui Normal UniversityWuhu 241002China)  

Abstract: To explore the problem of historical turn with the research on the sports anthropology, it is necessary to  reflect on the limitations of the methodology from the interdisciplinary perspective, from the concept, method and  paradigm of the discipline, and then the paper expounds the significance of historical thinking in promoting the  change of research methodology of sports anthropology. The research holds that the historical turn of the research  on the sports anthropology provides a method to re-recognize the object of sports research, expanding the research  vision of linking sports culture and Chinese culture, changing the research paradigm of sports cultural behavior  interpretation, and providing a narrative method to observe the changes of social structure through micro sports. The  research of sports anthropology under the guidance of the above methodology forms the historical continuity of field  experience, not only deepens the cultural narration of micro sports behavior in spatial dimension, but also  strengthens the historical process narration of sports culture in time dimension, and then provides new thinking for  the overall research of sports anthropology and promotes the localization and systematization development.  

Keywords: sports anthropologysport historyhistorical turnmethodology change
