
学校体育以体育人“非学科”化引发的思考 ——兼与《学校体育以体育人“非学科”化》一文作者商榷


(1.四川师范大学 体育学院,四川 成都 6101012.四川师范大学 西部校园足球发展研究中心, 四川 成都 6101013.体育健康旅游技术研发四川省文化和旅游厅重点实验室,四川 成都 610101)  

摘     要:从主题比较、逻辑关系、论证过程和学科发展路径层面对《非学科化》一文的观点 进行分析并提出商榷,厘清学校体育以体育人“学科”化与“非学科”化之间的关系。研究认为, 体育作为学校教育体系中的必修课程之一,是学校体育以体育人“学科”化的重要标志,而《非 学科化》一文的立论源于校外培训的体育范畴,学校体育与校外培训中的体育存在本质差异。推 动学校体育学科的高质量发展,需精准把握体育学科发展方向,着力提升课程教学质量,强化学 科治理能力,积极推动体育学科交叉融合,从而提升学校体育以体育人落实落细、见行见效。 


中图分类号:G807.0 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)05-0010-06  

The reflection on nurturing people by sports in school physical education  caused by the non-discipline 

 ——A discussion with the author of the non-discipline with nurturing people by sports  in school physical education 

 ZHANG Xiaolin1,2,3,BAI Yang1

(1.School of physical EducationSichuan Normal UniversityChengdu 610101China2.Western Campus Football Development Research CenterSichuan Normal UniversityChengdu 610101China3.Key Laboratory of Sports and Health Tourism Technology Research and DevelopmentDepartment of Culture  and Tourism of Sichuan ProvinceChengdu 610101China)  Abstract: From the path aspects with subject comparison, logical relation, argumentation process and discipline  development, this paper analyzes and discusses the viewpoint from "non-discipline", and then makes clear the  relationship between "discipline" and "non-discipline" of nurturing people by sports in school physical education.  The research suggests that physical education, as one of the compulsory courses in school education system, is an  important symbol of the "discipline" on nurturing people by sports in school physical education, and the origin of  the article "non-disciplinary" belongs to the sports category of off-campus training, and actually, there are essential  differences between school physical education and off-campus training. And in order to promote the high-quality  development of discipline in school physical education, it is necessary to accurately grasp the development direction  of sports discipline, striving to improve the quality of curriculum teaching, strengthening the governance ability of  discipline, actively promoting the cross-integration among sports disciplines, so as to promote the implementation of  nurturing people by sports in school physical education both in specific detail and practical effect.

Keywords: school physical education; nurturing people by sports; physical education discipline; non-discipline
