(湖南工业大学 体育学院,湖南 株洲 412007) 摘 要:运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、案例分析法等,对贵州“村赛”热及其背后潜在问题展开探讨。研究认为以人为本的草根叙事满足农民体育文化需求,以体共情的文化认同促使农村青壮年返乡回流,以赛为媒的产业振兴助推乡村社会经济发展,以媒赋能的赛事传播推进乡村品牌赛事建设是促成“村赛”热的重要因素。但其背后也存在“现代体育”盛行,影响传统体育生态环境;“锦标主义”滋长,偏离农民寓赛于乐初衷;“羊群效应”产生,阻碍乡村体育多元发展;“资本主义”介入,弱化农民参与主体地位等问题。为此提出以文化创新为理念,拓宽民族民间体育发展空间;以乡土气息为核心,保持乡村体育赛事固有属性;以因地制宜为原则,发挥乡村特色体育资源优势;以农民群众为主体,增强乡村体育发展内生动力等应对策略。 关 键 词:乡村体育;乡村体育赛事;乡村振兴;“村BA”;“村超” 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)01-0044-06 |
GU Xiaoqing,CAI Yi,YANG Qiancheng
(School of Physical Education,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou 412007,China)
Abstract: This study employs the methods of literature review, logical analysis, and case study to investigate the phenomenon of the “rural competition” in Guizhou and the underlying issues. The research suggests that promoting the popularity of “rural competition” includes that the grassroots narrative centered on human experiences satisfies the cultural needs of rural sports, fostering a cultural identity through shared physical experiences, leading to the return of rural youth to their hometowns, the use of sports as a medium facilitates the revitalization of industries to promote socioeconomic development in rural areas, and the event’s media-driven empowerment contributes to the establishment of rural brand sports events emerging as a crucial factor in the popularity of “rural competition”. However, behind this phenomenon, there are also some challenges such as the prevalence of “modern sports” affecting the traditional sports ecology, the growth of a “win-at-all-costs” mentality deviating from the original intent of sports for leisure, the emergence of a “herd mentality” hindering the diversified development of rural sports, and the intervention of capitalism diminishing the role of farmers as active participants. Therefore, this study proposes several strategies to address these issues, such as emphasizing a cultural innovation approach to broaden the space for ethnic and folk sports development; the core principle being to maintain the inherent attributes of rural sports events with a focus on local characteristics; giving full play to the advantages of rural sports resources according to local conditions as the principle; and underscoring the centrality of farmers as the main participants, aiming to enhance the intrinsic momentum of rural sports development. Keywords: rural sports;rural sports events;rural revitalization;“Rural BA”;“Rural Football Super League” |