


(1.浙江师范大学 体育与健康科学学院,浙江 金华 3210002.西安体育学院 研究生部,陕西 西安 710068)  

要:滑板社群是由青年主导的草根体育组织。运用参与式观察与访谈法深入探究滑板社 群特征。研究认为:(1)“技术崇拜”赋予“个人运动”的圈群化聚集意义。滑板社群基于滑板技 术的亚文化资本积累方式建立“新秩序”,确立社群边界、完成内部分层并联系社群成员关系。(2) “漠视竞争”保留“随聚随散”的圈群化活动特征。滑板社群的技术传习过程强调独立实践,基 于平等互助形成“展示-互鉴”的群体传习方式。技术评价过程强调“真实性”,忠实于“内行” 评价,理性崇拜技术本身,通过仪式化活动唤起共鸣。(3)滑板社群的生存之道在于达成“技术崇 拜”和“漠视竞争”两种社群特征之间的平衡。根据滑板社群特征,提出意识、制度、赛事等方 面的引导建议。 


中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2023)01-0067-07

"Technique worship" and "ignoring competition": The community characteristics of youth grassroots skateboarding organizations
ANG Chen,GUO Jiru,XUE Lan

(1.School of Physical Education and HealthZhejiang Normal UniversityJinhua 321000China2.Postgraduate DepartmentXi 'an Physical Education UniversityXi'an 710068China)  

Abstract: The skateboard community is a youth-led grassroots sports organization. This paper uses the methods of  participatory observation and interview method to deeply explore the characteristics of skateboarding community.  The research shows that: (1) "Technique worship" endows "individual sports" with the meaning of group gathering.  The skateboarding community establishes a "new order" based on the sub-cultural capital accumulation method of  skateboarding technique, establishing community boundaries, completing internal stratification, and connecting  community members. (2) "Ignoring competition" retains the activity characteristics of circle group for  "accompanying and dispersing". The technique transfer process of the skateboarding community emphasizes  independent practice, and forms a group transfer method of "show-mutual learning" based on equality and mutual  assistance. The technique evaluation process emphasizes "authenticity", and is faithful to "expert" evaluation,  rationally worships technology itself, as well as arouses resonance through ritualized activities. (3) The survival path  of the skateboarding community lies in achieving a balance between the two community characteristics of  "technique worship" and "ignoring competition". Based on the above discussion, this study puts forward the  following guidance suggestions on awareness, system and competition. 

Keywords: sports culture; grassroots sports organizations; skateboarding; youth culture; physical skills
