(1.北京师范大学 体育与运动学院,北京 100875;2.济南大学 体育学院,山东 济南 250022) 摘 要:知识生产所蕴含的内在规律是深入探讨学科诞生与发展的逻辑起点和本质要求。目 前,我国体育学科建设未能有效适配知识生产模式转型的内在要求,表现为弱化体育学“身心群” 整体性学科特色,夸大西方科学理论知识的“跨情境效度”,脱离“中国式现代化”体育叙事的时 代特征等。为了有效回应知识生产模式演进对体育学科建设提出的新要求,纾解体育学科建设的 深层困局,通过梳理与归纳知识生产模式演进的历程举要,凝练与探骊体育学科知识生产“发散 式孤岛型”“聚敛式融合型”“集群式拓展型”的演进特征。对标知识生产的价值导向、共生共存 和辩证统一,识别与明晰体育学科知识生产的逻辑转向。遵循知识价值观是体育学科建设的价值 旨归,探寻知识生产模式变革下,动力机制、组织机制和治理机制一体化体育学科建设实践进路。 关 键 词:体育学科;知识生产模式;演进特征;逻辑转向;实践方式 中图分类号:G80 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2023)02-0001-08 |
ZHANG Ruilin,CHE Wen
(1.School of Physical Education and Sports,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China; 2.School of Physical Education,Jinan University,Jinan 250022,China) Abstract: The intrinsic law of knowledge production is the logical starting point and essential requirement for in-depth exploration of the birth and development of the discipline. At present, the construction of physical education disciplines in China has failed to effectively adapt to the intrinsic requirements of the transformation of knowledge production mode, which is manifested in the weakening of the holistic disciplinary characteristics of the "mind-body cluster" of physical education, the exaggeration of the "cross-contextual validity" of western scientific theoretical knowledge, and the detachment from the contemporary characteristics of the "Chinese modernization" of sports narratives." In order to effectively respond to the evolution of the knowledge production model, the present study have to make the following recommendations so as to effectively respond to the new requirements put forward by the evolution of knowledge production modes for the construction of physical education disciplines and to relieve the deep-rooted dilemma of the construction of physical education disciplines, and also will sort out and summarize the history of the evolution of knowledge production modes, condense and explore the "dispersive island type", "convergent fusion type" and "cluster expansion type" of knowledge production in physical education disciplines." The evolutionary characteristics of "clustered and expanded" are summarized. This work also identify and clarify the logical direction of knowledge production in the discipline of physical education by aligning the value orientation, coexistence and dialectical unity of knowledge production. Following the value of knowledge values as the value of the construction of physical education disciplines, this study also explore the practical path of the construction of integrated physical education disciplines under the change of the knowledge production model in terms of the dynamic mechanism, organizational mechanism and governance mechanism. Keywords: physical education discipline;knowledge production model;evolutionary features;logical turning; practical approach |