
论体育立德树人和体育课程思政的策略与方法(3): 师德、文化、素养

(1.郑州大学 体育学院,河南 郑州  4500012.西南大学 体育学院,重庆  4007153.北京财贸职业学院,北京  101101)



中图分类号:G807    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1006-7116(2023)05-0009-07

Discussion on the strategies and methods of moral establishment and students cultivation through physical education and ideological and political education on physical education curriculum (3): Morality, culture and accomplishment
MAO Zhenming,FU Xiaomeng,YE Ling

(1.School of Physical EducationZhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450001China

2.School of Physical EducationSouthwest UniversityChongqing 400715China

3.Beijing College of Finance and CommerceBeijing 101101China)


Abstract: The teachers’ morality of physical education are the most fundamental engineering for moral establishment and students cultivation through physical education, and ideological and political education on physical education curriculum, but that is also a quite complex issue. To reveal the phenomenon of physical education teachers’ morality, and further explore the methods and paths of constructing that, this study discusses the relationships between the current situation of physical education teachers’ morality and main problems, connotation construction, formation history, team composition, and the relationships between sports particularity and teachers’ morality, and also further elaborates on the content of physical education teachers’ morality. The study holds that physical education teachers’ morality consists of three main aspects’ content such as ideology and politics, professional ethics, and ability cultivation, and given that also proposes the following suggestions to clarify the hierarchy of the issue of physical education teachers’ morality, distinguish the construction level of physical education teachers’ morality, improve the "cultural" level of physical education teachers, fill in the "literacy" shortcomings of physical education teachers, collectively write and develop the authoritative and standardized physical education teachers’ morality handbook, strengthen the supervision and evaluation standards of physical education teachers’ morality, clearly clarifying the "red line" of physical education teachers’ morality, and also eliminating the "black sheep" of physical education teachers’ morality.

Keywords: school physical educationphysical education teacherphysical education teachers’ moralitymoral establishment and student cultivation through physical educationideological and political education on physical education curriculum

