(1.广州体育学院 研究生院,广东 广州 510500;2.西安航空学院 体育部,陕西 西安 710077; 3.西安交通工程学院 公共课部,陕西 西安 710300;4.东南大学 体育系,江苏 南京 211189; 5.广东金融学院 体育部,广东 广州 510520) 摘 要:以体育服务综合体建设路径为研究对象,通过扎根理论的三级编码构建我国体育服 务综合体建设路径的影响因素体系。基于此,从政府作用、运营管理机构作用、群众作用、社会 作用 4 个维度对体育服务综合体的建设成效进行实证研究。结果表明:(1)政府作用、运营管理机 构作用、群众作用、社会作用对体育服务综合体的建设成效有着显著正向影响,并且运营管理机 构作用路径影响系数最大(0.441),其次是政府作用(0.264)、群众作用(0.160)、社会作用(0.159)。(2) 内部影响因素(运营管理机构作用)在外部影响因素(政府作用、群众作用、社会作用)与建设成效之 间存在中介效应。(3)群众作用对体育服务综合体建设路径的影响虽然不是最大的,但其对运营管 理机构作用的影响很大,同时与政府作用、社会作用相互间的影响很大。基于上述结果提出:建 设具有中国特色的体育服务综合体除了在政府、运营管理机构及社会的合力作用下合理规划、科 学布局外,还应充分考虑群众需求,让群众有更多、更直接、更实在的获得感、幸福感、安全感, 进而实现人民对美好生活的向往。 关 键 词:体育服务综合体;建设路径;中国特色;扎根理论 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2023)02-0057-06 |
ZHANG Zhen,DONG Chen,YANG Wengang ,DU Xiru ,GUO Qin
(1.Graduate School,Guangzhou Sport University,Guangzhou 510500,China; 2.Department of Physical Education,Xi'an Aeronautical Institute,Xi'an 710077,China; 3.Department of Public Course,Xi'an Traffic Engineering Institute,Xi'an 710300,China; 4.Department of Physical Education,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China; 5.Department of Physical Education,Guangdong University of Finance,Guangzhou 510520,China) Abstract: Taking the construction path of sports service complex as the research object, the influencing factor system of the construction path of sports service complex in China is constructed through the three-level coding of the grounded theory. Based on this, the construction effect of the sports service complex is empirically studied from four dimensions of the role for the government, the role for the operation and management institutions, the role for the masses and the role for the society. Three results show that: (1) The role of government, operation, mass, and social role has a significant positive impact on the construction of sports service complex, and the role of operation management agency has the largest influence coefficient (0.441), followed by government (0.264), mass (0.160), and social (0.159). (2) Internal influencing factors (the role of the operation and management institutions) play an mediating effect between the external influencing factors (the role of the government, the role of the masses, and the social role) and the construction effect. (3) Although the influence of the masses has on the construction path of the sports service complex is not the biggest, it has a great impact on the role of the operation and management institutions, and also on the role of the government and the society. Based on the above results suggested that construction with Chinese features of sports service complex in addition to the government, the operation management institution and social force under the action of reasonable planning, scientific layout, should also give full consideration to the needs of the masses, so as to making people have more and more direct, more practical sense, happiness, security, and to realize people's yearning for a better life. Keywords: sports service complex;construction path;Chinese feature;the grounded theory |