(1.广东青年职业学院,广东 广州 510545;2.广州城市职业学院, 广东 广州 510405;3.广州体育学院,广东 广州 510500) 摘 要:基于“健康中国”战略规划,从分析高校大学生体质健康状况和现实诉求入手,构 建运行机制、激励机制、制约和监督机制三大主动健康促进管理机制。研究认为,从决策机制、 动力机制、保障机制层面构建“指导—服务”式的运行机制;从主动健康干预路径融合奖励体系 的视角构建激励机制;从科学配置、信息公开、综合监督、责任追究 4 个核心要素构建制约和监 督机制。旨在积极推动高校大学生健康管理工作机制创新,为实现“健康中国”提供坚实的制度 保障。 关 键 词:主动健康促进;管理机制;大学生;健康中国 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2023)02-0089-06 |
WANG Zhen ,LI Changzhen ,LIN Wentao
(1.Guangdong Youth Vocational College,Guangzhou 510545,China;2.Guangzhou City Polytechnic, Guangzhou 510405,China;3.Guangzhou Sport University,Guangzhou 510500,China) Abstract: Based on the strategic plan of "Healthy China", starting from analyzing the physical health status and realistic appeal of college students, the management mechanism of three major active health promotion mechanisms, namely, operating mechanism, incentive mechanism, restriction and supervision mechanism, is constructed. This study holds that the operating mechanism of "guide-service" type is constructed from the perspective of integrating reward system from active health intervention path; the construction of stimulus system from the active healthy intervention path integrating the reward system; and the restriction and supervision mechanism is constructed from four core elements: scientific allocation, information disclosure, comprehensive supervision, and accountability. The aim is to actively promote the innovation of health management mechanism for college students and to provide solid institutional guarantee for realizing the "Healthy China". Keywords: active health promotion;management mechanism;college students;Healthy China |