(上海师范大学 体育学院,上海 200234) 摘 要:探究体育课中至大强度体力活动时间下和学习目标定向教学法对四年级学生基本动 作技能的影响。以小学四年级 5 个班 237 名学生为研究对象,采用 5×2 的双因素实验设计,根据 体育课采用学习目标定向教学法和不同累积中至大强度体力活动时间的实验实施方案,所有班共 进行 8 周实验干预。结果发现:(1)体育课学习目标定向教学法对学生移动技能、持物技能和粗大 动作技能改善具有促进作用。体育课 30%或 50% MVPA 累积时间下,学习目标定向教学法班学生 粗大动作技能改善情况显著好于其他班。相同运动负荷干预下,学习目标定向教学法班女生改善情况 好于男生。(2)30% MVPA 累积时间班粗大动作技能改善情况显著好于对照班学生,50% MVPA 累积 时间班学生移动技能、持物技能和粗大动作技能显著好于对照班。30%或 50% MVPA 累积时间和 学习目标定向教学法班学生移动技能、持物技能和粗大动作技能显著好于对照班学生。体育课 MVPA 累积时间越大,学生基本动作技能改善情况越好。结果表明:体育课采用学习目标定向教 学法和 50% MVPA 累积时间对学生基本动作技能发展具有显著促进作用。 关 键 词:体育课;学习目标定向教学法;基本动作技能;中至大强度体力活动;小学生 中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2023)02-0114-08 |
WU Haitan,WANG Wenjuan
(School of Physical Education,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China) Abstract: This study was to investigate the effects of learning goal-oriented teaching methods and MVPA on students’ basic motor skills in the fourth graders. Five classes of 237 students in primary schools were used as the study subjects, and each randomly arranged as a control class, along with four intervention classes. The study adopted a 3×2 two factors experimental design to confirm the experimental scheme for different classroom intervention schemes, all the experiments lasted for eight weeks. The results showed that: (1) The PE learning goal-oriented teaching method can promote the improvement of students' locomotor skills, and the accumulation time of 30% or 50% of MVPA in physical education class. The improvement of gross motor skills of students in learning goal-oriented teaching class was significantly better than that in other classes, in the 30% or 50% MVPA cumulative time classes. The same exercise load intervention, the improvement of girls in the learning goal-oriented teaching class is better than that of boys. (2) The 30% MVPA cumulative time class can promote the improvement of students' gross motor skills, was significantly better than that of the control class. The locomotor skill, object control skill, gross motor skill of the students’ in the 50% MVPA cumulative time class were significantly better than the control class. The locomotor skills, object control skills, gross motor skills of the students’ in the 30% or 50% MVPA cumulative time integration learning goal-oriented teaching class were significantly better than the control class. As a result, the longer the accumulated time of physical education MVPA, the better the improvement of students' fundamental motor skills. The conclusion suggested that the use of learning goal-oriented teaching method and 50% MVPA accumulation time in physical education class can significantly promote the development of students' basic motor skills in primary schools. Keywords: physical education class;learning goal-oriented teaching methods;basic motor skills;moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity;primary school students |