


(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006)  

要:2019 冠状病毒病的大流行对全球民众身体健康和个人幸福产生了深远的影响,很大 一部分患者在初次感染恢复后,会出现几周甚至长达数月的持续性症状,学界将此称为长新冠或 新冠感染急性期后续发症(PASC)。人们日益认识到 PASC 是一个严重的、全球性的公共卫生问题, 迫切需要采取有效的对策来控制和预防这一风险。适当的运动锻炼被认为是改善新冠感染者身体 素质、加强肌肉力量以及改善神经系统功能的良好方法,有助于缓解 PASC 症状。然而,如果患 者身体存在潜在的病理风险(如心肌炎)或进行不适宜的运动,运动反而可能对健康造成损害,甚 至引发猝死。因此,在新冠病毒感染后安全、科学恢复体力活动成为患者的共同诉求。为了实现 这一目标,围绕新冠病毒感染后科学回归运动这一中心,首先介绍了 PASC 的具体表现、病理机 制以及国内外研究现状,讨论了感染后恢复运动的益处与风险;接着,基于不同的恢复运动指南, 对新冠感染后恢复运动的主要原则与注意事项进行了分析;最后,分类总结了部分权威机构的回 归运动建议,旨在为从新冠病毒感染后安全地重返体育运动提供见解。 

2019 冠状病毒病;2 型严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒;新冠感染急性期后续发症;心肌 炎;身体活动;运动  

中图分类号:G804.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2023)02-0128-08

How to scientifically return to physical activity after the COVID-19 infection?
HU Xilong,DUAN Rui

(School of Physical Education and Sports ScienceSouth China Normal UniversityGuangzhou 510006China)

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the physical health and personal well-being of  people around the world, and a significant portion of patients experience persistent symptoms for several weeks or  even months after their initial recovery from the infection, which the academic community refers to as long  COVID or post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC). PASC is increasingly recognized as a serious  global public health issue, and there is an urgent need for more effective strategies to control and prevent this risk.  Appropriate exercise is considered a good way to improve the physical fitness of COVID-19 patients, strengthen  muscle strength, and improve neurological function, which can help alleviate PASC symptoms. However, if patients  have underlying pathological risks (such as myocarditis) or engage in inappropriate exercise, exercise may instead  be harmful to health and even lead to sudden death. Therefore, safely and scientifically return to physical activity  after the COVID-19 infection has become a common demand of patients. To achieve this goal, this article focuses  on the scientific return to exercise after a COVID-19 virus infection. It first introduces the specific manifestations,  pathological mechanisms, and current research status of PASC, and discusses the benefits and risks of exercise after  infection. And then, based on different recovery exercise guidelines, the main principles and precautions for  rehabilitation of exercise after the COVID-19 infection are analyzed. Finally, this article summarizes the exercise  recommendations of some authoritative organizations, aiming to provide insights for safely returning to exercise  after recovering from the COVID-19 infection. 

Keywords: COVID-19SARS-CoV-2post-acute sequelae of COVID-19myocarditisphysical activityexercise
