(1.中国人民大学 体育部,北京 100872;2.中国人民大学 体育产业研究院,北京 100872) 摘 要:围绕体育产业结构优化,学界主流观点是着力提升体育服务业的占比。但无论是西 方发达国家体育产业结构演进,还是我国后工业化时期的体育产业发展,体育产业结构优化并不 意味着体育用品制造业向体育服务业转移。体育用品制造业产值比重下降是创新的结果,产生包 默尔悖论现象。体育产业结构赶超型发展战略实施,过度强调体育服务业产值比重的多寡,不利 于体育市场繁荣,弱化体育主导产业的优势作用,助推了生产要素“脱实向虚”的风险,促使服 务业的自我循环,出现“结构性陷阱”,这不利于贯彻中央提出的“十四五”高质量发展的主题。 “十四五”期间,体育产业结构优化发展的重点还应是体育服务业,特别是本体产业的发展,但 继续增强我国体育用品制造业实力并无异议,硬性提出“着力提升服务比重”会造成体育产业结 构优化路径的偏差。 关 键 词:体育产业结构;体育服务业;包默尔病理说;配第-克拉克定律 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2022)01-0053-08 |
CAI Penglong,LI Shuwang
(1.Department of Physical Education,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China; 2.Sports Industry Research Institute,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China) Abstract: Focusing on the optimization of the structure with sports industry, the mainstream view in the academic world is to increase the proportion of sports services. However, whether it is the evolution of the sports industry structure in western developed countries or domestic development of sports industry during post-industrialization period, the optimization of the structure for sports industry does not mean that the sports goods manufacturing industry is shifting to the sports service industry. The decline in the proportion of the output value of the sports goods manufacturing industry is the result of innovation, which has produced the phenomenon of Baumer’s paradox. The implementation of the catch-up development strategy of the sports industry structure overemphasizes the proportion of the output value of the sports service industry, which is not conducive to the prosperity of the sports market, weakens the dominant role of the sports leading industry, boosts the risk of "removing the real to the virtual" of production factors, prompts the self-circulation of industry, and the emergence of "structural traps" has been also generated, that are not conducive to the implementation of the high-quality development theme of the "14th Five-Year Plan" proposed by the central government. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the focus of the optimization and development of the structure for sports industry should also be sports services, especially the development of the main industry. However, there is no objection to continuing to strengthen the strength of domestic sports goods manufacturing industry, and deviations in the optimization path of the structure for sports industry when it is suggested to greatly improve the proportion of services in sports. Key words: the structure of sports industry;sports service industry;Baumol’s theory of pathology;Petty-Clark Law |