(安徽师范大学 体育学院,安徽 芜湖 241002) 摘 要:民族伟大复兴的时代背景下,建构有中国特色话语体系的武术国际传播研究,要在 “人类命运共同体”价值理念关照下,挖掘全球文化交流中受众对意义世界的探索与体验,从而 在生命意义建构中服务于受众实现幸福生活的终极目标。中国武术国际传播研究,借助于人类学 对当前文化“多元化维护”与“化多元为一体”的辩证理解,需从“中国中心观”转向人类学视 野下“中西互证”的思路,并在语境互动、学理互构、他者互鉴的立体模式中,以武术负载的“文 化中国”价值观念上承“国之大事”的时代使命,下启“德性生活”的意义世界探索;促使武术传 播研究在“独特性辩护”中转向“文化差异性共存与会通性生产”,提升其国际话语能力。 关 键 词:民族传统体育;中国武术;国际传播;人类命运共同体;文化中国;德性生活 中图分类号:G852 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2022)04-0014-06 |
HUA Jiatao
(School of Physical Education,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241002,China) Abstract: In the context of China’s dream of great national renaissance, the building of Wushu international communication research with Chinese language discourse should highlight the significant concept of “human community with a shared future”, this study excavates the audience’s exploration and experience of the meaningful world in the global cultural exchange, so as to serve people in the construction of reason for being and realize the ultimate goal of the good life. Given that, relying on methodology, the research on the international communication of Chinese Wushu should change from the “China-centered view” to the Chinese “cultural consciousness” and then to the “mutual verification between China and the West”. In the three-dimensional model of context interaction, mutual construction of theoretic framework, and mutual learning of the other, the “cultural China” value loaded by Wushu should bear the mission of the times of “national affairs” and initiate the exploration of the meaning world of “moral life”. The research on Wushu communication has changed from "uniqueness defense" to "cultural difference coexistence and universal production", so as to enhance its international discourse ability. Keywords: traditional national sports;Chinese Wushu;international communication;human community with a shared future;cultural China;moral life |