


(1.苏州大学 体育学院,江苏 苏州 2150212.苏州大学 东吴智库,江苏 苏州 215021)  

要:运用文献资料、逻辑分析、实地调查和深度访谈等方法,从政策自身、政策执行机 制、政策主体与客体、政策资源和政策环境 5 个维度对我国体育中考政策执行现状进行分析。研 究认为政策方案本身的欠缺,政策体系的不健全,政策执行机制存在梗阻,政策主体和客体的利 益分歧,政策资源的短缺、不均衡,以及中考竞争性的加剧都是我国体育中考政策执行中的制约 因素。基于此,提出在体育中考的持续推进中应确立以发展学生体育素养为核心的政策目标,不 断完善体育中考政策体系,提高政策自身品质;从高位推动,层层落实,健全教育部门的上下联 动机制;加强对政策的宣传和引导,寻求目标群体的政策认同,在社会、学校、家庭间形成统一 的“目标函数”;突出教师的主体地位,加大对体育教师和学校体育场地器材建设的持续投入。  


中图分类号:G807.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2022)01-0091-07

The restrictive factors and path optimization on the implementation of physical education entrance examination policy for senior high school
XU Yingnan,WANG Jiahong

(1.School of Physical EducationSoochow UniversitySuzhou 215021China2.Dongwu Think TankSoochow UniversitySuzhou 215021China)  

Abstract: By using the literature, logical analysis, field investigations and in-depth interview, this paper analyzes  the current situation of the implementation of physical education entrance examination policy for senior high school  from the five dimensions itself, namely policy implementation mechanism, policy subject and object, policy  resources and policy environment. Researches believe that the lack of policy programs, the imperfect policy system,  the obstruction of policy implementation mechanisms, the divergence of interests between policy subjects and  objects, the shortage and imbalance of policy resources, and the increased competitiveness of senior high school  entrance examinations are all the restrictive factors in the implementation of physical education entrance  examination policy for senior high school. Based on these above, in the continuous advancement of the physical  education entrance examination, we should establish a policy goal with the development of students’ physical  literacy as the core, and continuously improve the physical education entrance examination policy system, and  improve the quality of the policy itself; promoting from a high level, implement it at various levels, as well as the  linkage of the education department mechanism; strengthening the propaganda and guidance of policies, seeking  policy recognition from target groups, and forming a unified "objective function" among society, schools, and  families; highlighting the dominant position of teachers, and increasing the importance of physical education  teachers, along with the continuous investment for school physical education equipment construction. 

Keywords: school physical educationphysical education entrance examination for senior high schoolpolicy  implementationrestrictive factorspath optimization
