(山东师范大学 体育学院,山东 济南 250014) 摘 要:通过历史梳理、对比分析等方法对我国中考体育计分办法的历史与现实等关问题进 行审思,并提出针对性的改进策略。研究指出:我国中考体育计分方式主要有合格制(即达标制)、 等级制(三等制、四等制、五等制)与分数制(加分制与减分制)3 种,各种计分方式在不同时期、不 同地域均有出现。2020 年我国中考体育改革进入全面深化阶段,分数制将逐渐成为主流,体育中 考分值的比重也逐渐增加。在“双减”政策和体教融合政策等背景下,我国中考体育计分办法深 化改革需要从考试项目与标准的难度博弈、分数评价与等级评价的优劣博弈、体育与其他科目的 权重博弈 3 个维度进行思考,不断提高中考体育的科学性和公平性,有效促进学生体育素养的提 高,如此才能真正发挥体育在促进人的全面发展中所起的重要作用。 关 键 词:学校体育;中考体育;评价制度;计分办法;体育素养 中图分类号:G807.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2022)01-0098-05 |
ZHOU Jiandong,WANG Ning,HU Tiantian,SONG Yu-fang,GE Shulin
(School of Physical Education,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China) Abstract: This paper reflects on the historical and practical reform of the sports scoring method for the entrance examination to senior high school in China through historical combing and comparative analysis, and puts forward targeted improvement strategies. The research shows that: the scoring methods of China's sports entrance examination for senior high school mainly contains three forms such as qualified system (namely standard system), grade system (three system, four system, five system) and score system (plus point system and minus system), and all kinds of scoring methods appear in different periods and different regions. In 2020, the reform of sports entrance examination for senior high school entered a comprehensive deepening stage, and the score system will gradually become the mainstream, and the proportion of sports entrance examination for senior high school will be also gradually increased. In the cross background of the "double reduction" policy and physical education integration policy, the scoring method for Chinese sports entrance examination for senior high school need to deepen the reform from the test project and standard difficulty game, score evaluation and grade evaluation game, sports and other subjects weight game three dimensions, in order to improve the scientific and fairness of sports entrance examination for senior high school, effectively promote the improvement of students' physical quality, and to really play the vital role of sports in promoting the all-round development for people. Keywords: school physical education;sports entrance examination for senior high school;evaluation system; scoring method;physical literacy |