
表现性评价在体育课程思政建设中的应用研究 ——以体育教育专业体操类专项课程为例


(武汉体育学院 艺术学院,湖北 武汉 430079)  

要:借鉴建构主义理论、情境认知理论,依据逆向设计与协商建构的原则着重探讨表现 性评价在体育课程思政中应用的理论与实践框架,充分展现诊断、反馈、促改、决策的复合功能 以及表现性评价过程,即教学过程的统整性特征。以体育教育专业体操类专项课程思政为例解析 其应用流程,以“明确评价目标、创设问题情境、提炼思政元素、设置表现性任务、开发评分规 则、实施评价与反馈”为行动主线,发现主要呈现出以下特点:以体育领域问题情境创设为特色、 以提炼体育课程思政元素为关键、以协商构建完成表现性任务为重点、以开发体育课程思政育人 效果的评价标准为难点。旨在丰富体育课程思政的评价理论与方法路径,也为拓展表现性评价在 体育课程思政中的应用实践提供理论参考。  


中图分类号:G807     文献标志码:A      文章编号:1006-7116(2022)01-0103-08

A study on application of performance assessment in the ideological and political education of physical education curriculum ——Taking gymnastics courses of physical education major as an example
WANG Huili,LV Wangang

(School of ArtWuhan Sports UniversityWuhan 430079China)  

Abstract: Referring to constructive theory and situational cognition theory, and based on the principles of reverse  design and negotiation construction, this paper focuses on the theoretical and practical framework of the application  of performance assessment in the ideological and political education of physical education curriculum, which fully  shows the composite functions of diagnosis, feedback, promoting reform and decision-making, as well as the  integrated characteristics of the process of performance assessment, namely the teaching process. Taking the  gymnastics course of physical education as an example, this paper analyzes its application process, and takes  clarifying evaluation objectives, creating problem situations, refining ideological and political elements, setting  expressive tasks, developing scoring rules, implementing evaluation and feedback as the mainline of action. It is  characterized by the creation of problem situations in the field of physical education, the key is to refine the  ideological and political elements of physical education curriculum, the key is to complete the expressive tasks  through negotiation, and the difficulty is to develop the evaluation criteria for the effect of ideological and political  education in the physical education curriculum. The purpose is to enrich the evaluation theory, and method path of  the ideological and political education of physical education curriculum, and also to provide theoretical reference for  expanding the practical application of performance assessment in this physical education curriculum.

Keywords: school physical educationideological and political education of physical education curriculumperformance assessmentgymnastics courses
