(1.宁波大学 体育学院,浙江 宁波 315211;2.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006) 摘 要:在现今的武术竞技擂台上,习练传统武术者总是被动挨打。理由如下:一是今天的 传统武术已经严重花法化;二是冷兵器时代的远离使习练传统武术者由职业变业余;三是传统武 术实战技术受竞技运动规则限制;四是传统武术严重缺乏竞技运动比赛所需的竞技技术。传统武 术技击术的发展路径有 4 种:一是作为“自卫防身技术”应用于学校教育中;二是传统武术的竞 技运动化转型,把传统武术进行分类竞技,补充传统武术所缺的竞技技术;三是与军队格斗技术 融合,在解放军、武警部队的格斗技术中继续保存;四是传统武术精英化保存与传承,即进入非 遗保护名录中,在一部分极度热爱传统武术的人中进行保存与传承。 关 键 词:传统武术;武术套路;竞技运动;格斗技术;非遗传承 中图分类号:G852 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2022)05-0034-06 |
(1.School of Physical Education,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211,China; 2.School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China) Abstract: The practitioners of traditional martial arts are always passively beaten in today's martial arts competitive stage. The reasons are as follows: firstly, today’s traditional martial arts has been seriously fancied; secondly, the distance from the cold weapon era made the practitioners of traditional martial arts change from professional to amateur; thirdly, the practical skills of traditional martial arts are limited by the rules of competitive sports; fourthly, the traditional martial arts was seriously lack of the competitive skills required by competitive sports. There are four paths for the development of traditional martial arts. The first kind is to be used as a "self-defense technology" in school education. The second kind is the competitive transformation of traditional martial arts, which could be followed by classification competitions and supplementing the lack of competitive skills in traditional martial arts. The third kind is to integrate with military fighting techniques, and continued to be preserved in the fighting techniques of the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force. The fourth kind is the elite preservation and inheritance of traditional Martial arts, that is, entering the list of intangible cultural heritage protection, traditional martial arts can be preserved among people who love them very much. Keywords: traditional martial arts;martial arts routine;competitive sports;fighting technology;inheritance of intangible cultural heritage |