(天津师范大学 法学院,天津 300387) 摘 要:《民法典》设立的自甘风险规则加重了文体活动组织者的责任。由于其他参加者被免 责,活动组织者成为唯一责任人,其责任形态从补充责任前移为直接责任,追偿权亦随之消失。 法院常常判决活动组织者承担全部损失或者与受害人分担全部损失,导致活动组织者实际上充当 了其他参加者的替代承担主体。活动组织者是文体事业发展的中坚力量,即便不能享受自甘风险 免责之红利,也不应因该规则而受到更不利影响。为此在确定活动组织者的责任时,应将其他参 加者和受害人的过失占比均纳入考量,即适用“绝对比较过失”的衡量方法,如此才符合《民法 典》规定的“相应补充责任”的应有内涵。 关 键 词:体育法;文体活动;自甘风险;活动组织者;绝对比较过失;相应补充责任 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2022)04-0046-07 |
JIAO Yanling
(School of Law,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin 300387,China) Abstract: Assumption of risk established by the civil code increases the responsibility of recreational and sports activities’ organizers. Since other participants are exempted from liability, the event organizers become the only responsible subject, and its liability changes from supplementary liability to direct liability, the right of recourse also disappears. Event organizers were often judged to bear the total damage or share total damage with the victims, which leads to them acting as a substitute for other participants. Event organizers are the backbone of the development of recreation and sports cause. Even if they can not benefit from assumption of risk, they should not be more adversely affected by this rule. When determining event organizers’ responsibility, the proportion of faults of other participants and victims should be taken into consideration. That is to say, the "overall approach of comparative negligence" should be applied appropriately, which is conformed to "the corresponding supplementary liability" stipulated by the civil code. Keywords: sports law;recreational and sports activity;assumption of risk;event organizer;overall approach of comparative negligence;the corresponding supplementary liability |