(1.上海体育学院 经济管理学院,上海 200438;2.上海大学 体育学院,上海 200444) 摘 要:基于一致性理论视角提出并检验体育赛事赞助匹配效应模型。针对上海 ATP 1000 大师赛现场观众进行调查研究。结果发现:(1)匹配感知不仅对观众的体育赛事和赞助品牌态度有 正向影响,还直接正向影响观众对赞助品牌的购买意向;(2)匹配感知可实现体育赛事与赞助品牌 间的形象转移,具体表现为观众对赛事品牌的态度能正向转移到对赞助品牌态度上;(3)观众对赞 助品牌态度可直接正向影响其对赞助品牌的购买意向,而对赛事品牌态度并不能直接影响其对赞 助品牌的购买意向,需藉由赞助品牌态度产生间接促进作用。研究揭示匹配对观众赞助品牌购买 意向的影响机制,证实匹配可实现体育赛事与赞助品牌的双赢,为体育赛事赞助市场开发与管理 提供理论依据和实践指南。 关 键 词:体育赛事赞助匹配;品牌态度;形象转移;购买意向;一致性理论 中图分类号:G808.22 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2022)06-0071-08 |
DUAN Yanling,LIU Bing
(1.School of Economics and Management,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China; 2.School of Physical Education,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200444,China) Abstract: This study proposes and tests the model of sports event sponsorship matching effect based on the perspective of congruity theory. On the basis of the survey related to the ATP 1000 Shanghai Masters, the results indicate that: (1)the perceptions of sports event sponsorship matching not only have significant positive effect on the spectators’ brand attitude towards both the event and the sponsors, but also promote their purchase intention to sponsor brand significantly; (2)the matching perception can realize the image transfer between sports event and sponsor brands, specifically, the spectators’ brand attitude towards the event can positively transfer to the brand attitude towards the sponsor brands; (3)the spectators’ brand attitude towards the sponsors can directly and positively affect the purchase intention to the sponsors’ brands, however, the spectators’ brand attitude towards the event can only indirectly promote their purchase intention through the brand attitude towards the sponsor brands. This study reveals that the influencing mechanism of matching awakens spectators’ purchase intention to sponsorship brands, and proves that sports event sponsorship matching can realize win-win goals for sponsors and sports event. The results of this study provide valuable theoretical evidences and practical implementations for the development and management of sports event sponsorship market in China. Keywords: sports event sponsorship matching;brand attitude;image transfer;purchase intention;congruity theory |