(1.韩山师范学院 体育学院,广东 潮州 521041;2.温州大学 体育与健康学院,浙江 温州 325035) 摘 要:学校体育“四位一体”目标和学生运动技能掌握现状,是“教会、勤练、常赛”生 成的现实背景。其基本内涵包括:“教会”“勤练”“常赛”对应的场域分别是体育课、课外体育锻炼、 课外体育竞赛;“教”的内容为运动技能、体能、体育与健康知识等,“练”的内容为教师教的内 容,“赛”的内容为教师教、学生学与练的内容;“教会”中的“会”为“初步掌握”或“基本掌 握”,“勤练”中的“勤”为每天不少于 1 小时,“常赛”中的“常”为每周不少于 1 次;学、练、 赛一体化,以练促学、以赛促练、以赛促健、学用结合、学以致用;熟练掌握运动技能是手段, 培养人是目的。研究认为:有效落实“教会、勤练、常赛”需厘清教学、课堂教学的内涵;明确 “教会”的主场域是体育课,“勤练”的主场域是课外体育锻炼,“常赛”的主场域是课外体育竞 赛;精准把握“会”的度为“初步掌握”或“基本掌握”,“勤”的度为每周练习时间 7~20 小时, “常”的度为课外体育竞赛每周不少于 1 次;构建“家-校-社-政”协同联动的课外体育模式。 关 键 词:学校体育;“教会、勤练、常赛”;体育课;课外体育锻炼;课外体育竞赛 中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2022)06-0134-06 |
LI Jun,LIU Shilei
(1.School of Physical Education,Hanshan Normal University,Chaozhou 521041,China; 2.School of Physical Education and Health,Wenzhou University,Wenzhou 325035,China) Abstract: The “four-in-one” goal of school physical education and the current situation of the development of school physical education are the realistic background of “teaching well, practice diligently, play regularly”. The basic connotation are as follows: the relative area for “teaching well, practice diligently, play regularly” is respectively physical education class, extracurricular physical education exercise, and extracurricular physical education competition; the content of “teaching” is movement skills, physical fitness, and sports and healthy knowledge, the content of “practice” is the corresponding content instructed by teachers, and the content of “play” is the content combined with instruction by teacher, and learning and practicing by students; “teaching well” should be preliminary mastery or basic mastery, “practice diligently” should be at least 1 hour of practice every day, and “play regularly” should be at least once a week in extracurricular physical competition; learning, practice and play should be integrated, promoting learning with practice, promoting training with competition, promoting health with competition, combining learning with application, and applying what they have learned to practice.; mastery of motor skills is the means, and cultivating people is the final goal. The study holds that effective implementation of “teaching well, practice diligently, play regularly” should clarify the connotation of teaching and classroom teaching; clearing that the main field of teaching well is physical education class, the main field of practice diligently is extracurricular physical education exercise, and the main field of play regularly is extracurricular sports competition. The degree of accurate grasp of well is preliminary mastery or basic mastery, and the degree of practice diligently is 7~20 hours of practice per week, and the degree of play regularly is not less than one extracurricular physical education competition per week. Actively constructing the extracurricular physical education model synchronized coordinately by “home-school-society-government”. Keywords: school physical education;“teaching well, practice diligently, play regularly”;physical education class; extracurricular physical education exercise;extracurricular physical education competition |