(1.北京体育大学 博士后科研流动站,北京 100084;2.湖南工业大学 体育学院,湖南 株洲 412008) 摘 要:采用自由联想法、检核法、两级特质测量法等方法,通过3轮问卷调查,用实证方式对我国体育人刻板印象内容和强度进行研究,以期为我国体育事业布局施政及体育强国建设提供参考。结果发现人们心中体育人代表群体集中在1~3个传统且接触密切的体育人群体,刻板印象内容有正面也有负面,正面刻板印象强度远强于负面刻板印象强度。研究认为部分学者看待体育人负面刻板印象过于悲观和消极;改善社会对体育人的刻板印象,需体育人在新时代社会主义建设中发挥更大作用;当前体育人负面刻板印象改变需侧重针对传统体育人群体。
LIAO Li1,2,LI Si-yuan2
(1.Postdoctoral Research Station,Beijing Sports University,Beijing 100084,China;2.School of Physical Education,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou 412008,China) Abstract: By means of the method of free association, inspection and two-level trait measurement, and through three rounds of questionnaire, the content and intensity of the stereotype of sports person in China were studied empirically so as to provide reference for the layout of China's sports administration and the construction of a sports power. The results show that in people's mind, the representative group of sports person is concentrated in 1 to 3 traditional groups of sports person who have close contact with each other. The content of stereotypes are both positive and negative, and the intensity of positive stereotypes are much stronger than that of negative stereotypes. According to the research, some scholars think the negative stereotypes of sports person may be more pessimistic and passive. To improve the social stereotypes of sports person in China, sports person should play a greater role in the socialism construction in the new era. At present, the change of negative stereotypes of sports person should focus on traditional groups of sports person in China.