


(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006)

摘     要:探讨了体教融合的几种观点,从逻辑学的视角对体教融合概念进行了语词定义,指出了体教融合概念目标定位高、融合程度深、融合内容广、融合状况复杂的特征,探析了体教融合与学校体育改革中的几个热点问题,并从学生体质健康水平、人才培养质量和学校体育法制体系 3 个方面对体教融合与学校体育的未来进行了展望。
关 键 词 :学校体育;体教融合;青少年体育;体育改革
中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)02-0001-06

Reflections on the reform of school physical education in China under the background of integration of physical education and cultural education
ZHOU Ai-guang

(School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China)

Abstract: Based on the discussion of several viewpoints about integration of physical education and cultural education, this study defines the concept of the integration of physical education and cultural education from the perspective of logic, points out its features of the concept of integration of physical education and cultural education, including high-level targeting orientation, deep integration degree, broad integration content, and complicated integration situation, discusses some emerging issues in the integration of physical education and cultural education as well as the reform of school physical education, and then makes a perspective outlook of the future development of the integration of physical education and cultural education and the school physical education from the following three aspects of students’ physical fitness level, talent cultivation quality, and the legal system of school physical education.
Key words: school physical education;integration of sports and education;youth sports;sports reform
