


(华东师范大学 体育与健康学院,上海 200241)

摘     要:体育作为中高考必考科目及中考主科化的改革取向存在诸多理论问题和不足,主要体现为将体育考试(项目)与体育、健康等直接或过多关联,以及忽略体育中高考与受教育权、人才培养-社会价值体系之间的关系。研究认为:(1)体育考试(项目)与体育某种意义相分离,并可能导致学校体育的异化。这主要缘于学校体育相关人文、素养等体育本质和属性并非体育考试所能体现,体育考试的个体-体能化、量化等取向将对学校体育实质造成消解和异化。(2)体育考试(项目)与健康很大程度相分离,并可能悖离健康机理。(3)体育作为中高考必考科目及中考主科化将对受教育权和教育公平构成挑战。其核心问题为学生的受教育权不能因为某些非基本运动能力的不足而受到影响。(4)体育作为中高考必考科目及中考主科化将对学校人才培养体系和社会价值体系形成冲击。以上问题很大程度具有结构性、基本性,难以从操作层面予以解决。
关 键 词 :学校体育;体育中高考;体质健康;受教育权;教育公平;运动能力;主科
中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)02-0013-08

Reflection on reform orientation of physical education entrance exam for the secondary school and college in new era

(Shool of Physical Education and Health,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China)

Abstract: There are many theoretical problems and deficiencies in the reform orientation of physical education (PE) as a compulsory exam subject for the secondary school and college, and as a major subject of the entrance exam for the secondary school, which are mainly reflected in the direct or extreme correlation between PE exam (items) and physical education and health, as well as the neglect of the relationship between PE entrance exam for the secondary school and college and the right to education, talent cultivation and social value system. This article suggests that: (1) the PE exam (item) is separate from physical education in a sense, which may lead to the alienation of school physical education. This is mainly due to the fact that physical education’s essences and attributes related to school physical education including humanities and qualities cannot be reflected in PE exam, and the orientation of individualization-strength conditioning and quantification of PE exam will lead to the decomposition and alienation of school physical education essence. (2) The PE exam (item) is separate from health to a large extent and may contradict health mechanisms. (3) PE entrance exam for the secondary school and college and the major subject will challenge the right to education and educational equity, and he core problem is that students’ right to education should not be affected by some non-basic sports abilities incompetence. (4) PE entrance exam for the secondary school and college and the major subject will have an impact on the school talent cultivation system and social value system. The above problems are structural and fundamental to a large extent which are difficult to solve from the operational layer.

Key words: school physical education;physical education entrance exam for the secondary school and college;physical health;the right to education;educational equality;sports ability;major subject
