


(中国教育科学研究院,北京 100088)  

要:体育强国,关键在人。纵观百年,在革命、建设和改革等不同历史阶段,中国共产 党都会提出与之相适应的“时代新人”和“体育强国”的概念,党的体育战略总体呈现出以培育 时代新人为根本,进行体育救国、卫国、兴国、强国为主线的发展脉络。中国共产党不断丰富发 展马克思主义“人的全面发展”学说、“人民主体性”思想,并在继承和发扬中华体育精神的基础 上,形成了一个系统完整、逻辑严密的思想体系,并进行理论创新和实践探索的良性互动:一是 在实践立场上坚持党的全面领导及马克思主义的理论指导;二是在实践路径上坚持将体育与教育 进行统筹整合;三是在实践策略上坚持全民性推动群众体育、学校体育、竞技体育协调发展。  


中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)06-0001-07 

Theoretical connotation and practical exploration on cultivation of new people of the times and promotion of construction for the sports power
YU Su-mei,WANG Xiao-yan

 (National Institute of Education SciencesBeijing 100088China)  

Abstract: People are the key to construction of the sports power. Throughout the past hundred years, in different  historical stages such as revolution, construction and reform, the concepts of "new people of the times" and "sports  power" will be put forward accordingly. The party's sports strategy generally presents the development thread of  saving, defending, rejuvenating and strengthening the country through sports, which is based on the cultivation of  new people of the times. The Communist Party of China has continuously enriched and developed the Marxist  theory of "all-round development of man" and the thought of "people's subjectivity". On the basis of inheriting and  carrying forward the spirit of Chinese sports, it has formed a systematic and logical ideological system and carried  out a positive interaction between theoretical innovation and practical exploration. Among these, one is to adhere to  the overall leadership of the party and the theoretical guidance of Marxism on the practical stand; the second is to  adhere to the comprehensive planning of physical education and education on the practical path; and the third is to  adhere to the national character in practice strategy to promote the coordinated development of mass sports, school  sports and competitive sports.  

Keywords: sports powernew people of the timestheoretical connotationpractical exploration 
