


(1.清华大学 体育部,北京 100084;2.浙江师范大学 体育与健康科学学院,浙江 金华 321004)

摘      要:《健身教育论》是林笑峰晚年的重要著作,其中汇集了林笑峰体育思想的精华。在该书中,林笑峰通过论述健身、健身学、健身课等内容,初步构建了“健身教育论”的理论体系。以《健身教育论》为研究重心,剖析了林笑峰“健身教育论”的理论渊源、思维框架与现实价值。研究认为:(1)“健身教育论”的提出是对“真义体育”观的继承与发展;(2)“健身教育论”的核心观点为:健身与体育互为依存、健身学应成为学校体育的主业、体育教学应以健身教育为本职工作;(3)韩丹对“健身教育论”的质疑展现了他与林笑峰不同的学术追求;(4)“健身教育论”的时代价值体现在以下 3 个方面:有助于唤起大众对体育功能的反思、为个人健康意识与行为的培养提供指导、为体育与健康教育的深度融合提供方案。
关 键 词 :体育思想;健身教育论;真义体育;时代价值;林笑峰
中图分类号:G80 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)02-0021-07

Establishment for the real physical education: Ideal pursuit and value exploration of LIN Xiao-feng's
SHAO Tian-yi 1 ,LI Qi-di 2

(1.Department of Physical Education,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;
2.School of Physical Education and Health Sciences,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua 321004,China)

Abstract: The theory of fitness education is an important work of LIN Xiao-feng in his later years, collecting the essence of LIN Xiao-feng's physical education thought, who in this book has originally constructs the theoretical system of "fitness education theory" by discussing the contents of fitness, fitness studies and fitness classes. In this paper, taking "fitness education theory" as the research focus, this paper analyzes the theoretical origin, thought framework and practical value of LIN Xiao-feng's "fitness education theory". The research shows that: (1) the "fitness education theory" is the inheritance and development of the "real physical education"; (2) the core points of the "fitness education theory" are as follows: fitness and sports should be interdependent, fitness science should be the main business of school physical education, physical education should take fitness education as its own work; (3) HAN Dan's query on "fitness education theory" shows that he is different from LIN Xiao-feng’s academic pursuit; (4) the contemporary value of "fitness education theory" are reflected in the following three aspects: it helps arouse the public's reflection on the sports function, and provides guidance for the cultivation of individuals’ healthy consciousness and behaviors, as well as a scheme for the deep integration of physical education and health education.
Key words: physical education thought;fitness education theory;real physical education;value of the times;LIN Xiao-feng
