


(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006)

摘      要:基于委托代理、公共选择理论等视角,运用内容分析法、德尔菲法和 Nvivo12.0 软件对政府购买体育公共服务的重要文献进行分析,通过确立理论维度、文本分析、三轮编码,构建出政府购买体育公共服务风险因素理论模型。根据风险评价矩阵,采用定性与定量分析,结合德尔菲法确定政治风险为较高风险等级,寻租风险、垄断风险为一般风险等级,逆向选择风险和道德风险为较低风险等级。此外,依据规制理论、公共性理论以及不完全合同理论,针对不同风险等级提出相应防范策略,为我国政府购买体育公共服务的理论与实践提供参考。
关 键 词 :体育管理;体育公共服务;政府购买;风险因素
中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)02-0040-08

The risky factors and prevention strategies for the purchase of sports public services by government
YE Song-dong

(School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China)

Abstract: Based on the principal-agent and public choice theory, using the methods of content analysis and Delphi, and Nvivo 12.0 software to analyse some important literature about that the government purchases sports public service, and through the establishment of theoretical dimension, the text analysis, as well as three rounds of coding, to construct the theoretical model of risk factors about that. According to the risk evaluation matric, along with the quantitative and qualitative analyses as well as Delphi, the political risk can be viewed as a higher risk level, rent-seeking risk and monopoly risk can be defined as a general risk level, adverse selection risk and moral risk are a lower risk level. In addition, in accordance with the regulation theory, the publicity theory and incomplete contract theory, this paper put forwards corresponding preventive countermeasures for different risk level, in order to offer references to the theory and practice for purchasing sports public services by the government in China.
Key words: sports management;sports public services;government purchase;risk factors
