


(宁波大学 体育学院,浙江 宁波 315211)

摘     要:运用文献资料法、专家访谈法对轻功的源流进行考证分析,研究认为轻功的出现源于军事与政治需求,而刺客群体所掌握的轻功后来转移至盗贼群体。因为小说的催化作用,民国时期轻功与武术相结合,并成为后者的一部分。武术中的轻功因受小说的影响而变得神乎其神,这种被夸大的武术轻功因经不起实践检验而一度招人质疑。现实中的轻功包括 3 大类,即民间武术中的飞檐走壁、军队及训练体系中的快速越障、跑酷运动中的穿越障碍。
关 键 词 :民族体统体育;武术;轻功;中国传统身体运动
中图分类号:G852 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)02-0060-05

Qing Kung——The peculiar existence in Chinese traditional body movement
CHENG Xin,SUN De-zhao

(School of Physical Education,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211,China)

Abstract: This paper makes an empirical analysis on the origin of Qing Kung in Wushu by means of the methods of literature and expert interview, and concludes that Qing Kung originated from military and politic requirements, and then the group of assassins' Qing Kung transferred to the group of thieves. Because of the accelerating effect of the novels, Qing Kung was combined with Wushu and became a part of the latter during the republic of China. Qing Kung in Wushu have become fascinated by the influence of novels, this kind of exaggerated Qing Kung was once questioned because it could not withstand the practical tests. The reality is that Qing Kung has been divided into three categories, consisting of flying over the eaves and running on the walls in the folk Wushu, the rapid obstacle-crossing in the training system of the PLA and the armed police force, and the crossing obstacles in Parkour movement.
Key words: national traditional sports;Wushu;Qing Kung;the Chinese traditional body movement
