


(1.韶关学院 体育学院,广东 韶关 512005;2.韶关学院 教学质量监控与评估中心,广东 韶关 512005)

摘     要:在介绍我国体育教育专业认证的实施背景和制度变迁的基础上,梳理认证工作中存在的 7 种问题,包括政府有效保障措施缺位、体育教育专业自身主动性不强、认证机构未能真正独立且体育专业性欠缺、专业办学利益相关者对认证了解不足、专业相关主体有效共同治理缺位、认证标准不够科学严谨、认证结果使用粗放等;提出了厘清政府职能和发挥保障功能、赋权高校与专业并努力提升其自主性、构建多元独立的教师教育专业组织并实现其评估功能最大化、全面提高利益相关者对认证的关注与参与度、加强与相关认证主体的有效合作、提升认证标准的科学性、加强认证结果使用的精准性等优化路径,为实现我国体育教育专业认证的科学性、实效性和国际性提供参考。
关 键 词 :学校体育;师范类专业认证;体育教育专业;体育教师
中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)02-0072-08

The problems of the certification work for the physical education major in China and its optimization path
HU Yong-hong 1 ,WU Shao-lan 2 ,AI An-li 1

(1.School of Physical Edcation,Shaoguan University,Shaoguan 512005,China;2.Teaching Quality Monitoring and Assessment Center,Shaoguan 512005,China)

Abstract: On the basis of introducing the implementation background and the logic of institutional change of physical education major certification in China, 7 kinds of problems existing in the certification work are sorted out which includes the absence of effective safeguard measures by government, the lack of activity of physical education majors itself, the certification bodies may not be truly independent and the lack of sports education specialty, and the stakeholders' understanding to the certification is not enough, the absence of effective joint governance of relevant professional subjects, the certification standards are not scientific and rigorous, and the usage of the certification results are extensive. Given these above, the article puts forward some optimization paths to give reference for realizing the scientificness, effectiveness and internationalization of China's physical education major certification, which includes as follows: clarifing government functions and exerting a guarantee function, empowering universities and majors and strive to enhance their autonomy, constructing a multiple and independent professional organization of teacher education major and maximizing its evaluation function, entirely improving the stakeholders' attention and participation in terms of certification work, strengthening effective cooperation with relevant certification bodies, improving the scientificness of certification standards, and enhancing the accuracy of the usage with certification results.
Key words: school physical education;normal specialty certification;physical education major;physical education teacher
