


(南京大学 体育部,江苏 南京 210023)

摘 要:受新冠肺炎疫情影响,高校体育教学活动全面转入线上。如何保证教学效果,成为当前困扰体育教师并亟待解决的关键问题,体育课程教学正面临范式革命。在这场声势浩大的体育在线教学浪潮中,健美课程以其独特的项目文化特点,围绕居家健身、场景弱化、习惯养成、徒手训练以及身体认知展开教学,通过重组教学的主题内容和知识体系、多方位强化项目认知和身心体验、基于平台工具辅助开展系列教学活动,以及多渠道关注学习成效和信息反馈等方式,确保教学延续性和有效性,为后疫情阶段健美课程混合式教学铺垫基础。
关 键 词 :体育教学;健美课程;在线教学;教学设计;身体认知;新冠疫情
中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)02-0097-06

Discussion on online teaching design of bodybuilding course in college under the background of the COVID-19
WANG Cheng

(Department of Physical Education,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)

Abstract: Influenced by the COVID-19, the physical education teaching activities in Colleges are transferred to the Internet totally. How to ensure the teaching effect has become a key problem that also puzzles the physical education teachers, so that physical education curriculum teaching is facing a profound paradigm revolution. In this huge wave of large-scaled online physical education teaching, bodybuilding course with its unique project cultural characteristics, focusing on the following contents to perform teaching, such as household fitness, scene weakening, habit development, hands-on training and body cognition, and reorganizing the subject content and knowledge system of teaching, strengthening project cognition and physical and mental experience from multiple aspects; a series of teaching activities were carried out based on tool assistance of the network platform, and paying attention to learning effect and information feedback by multiple channels, in order to ensure the continuity and effectiveness of teaching and to lay a foundation for the mixed teaching of bodybuilding courses during the post Covid-19.
Key words: physical education teaching;bodybuilding course;online teaching;teaching design;body cognition;the COVID-19
