


(华东师范大学 体育与健康学院,上海 200241)  

要:在深入落实立德树人根本任务和全面实施体育与健康课程标准(2017 年版)背景下, 体育学科的德育价值倍受重视和期待。虽然德育培养历来都是我国体育学科的重要课程目标之一, 但在学生的学业评价中始终没有得到科学而有效体现。深入分析我国体育品德评价的困境,提出 评价未来发展的可能路径。希望作为课程重要目标的体育品德真正纳入到学生体育学业评价,彰 显体育的德育价值。  


中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)06-0082-08


The predicament and solutions of physical education moral evaluation under the background of “morality establishment and student cultivation”
WANG Shu-ming,XIE Si-yuan

(School of Physical Education and HealthEast China Normal UniversityShanghai 200241China)  

Abstract: Under the context of implementation of the fundamental task of morality establishment and student  cultivation and the overall implementation of the Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standards (2017  Edition), the value of moral education in physical education is highly regarded and expected. Although moral  education has always been one of the important curriculum goals of physical education in China, it has not been  evaluated scientifically and effectively in terms of students' study performance. This article analyzed the existing  problems in the evaluation of sports morality in China and proposed possible solutions of the evaluation for future  development. It is hoped that it will be able to truly incorporate physical education morality into the evaluation of  students' physical education and provide inspiration and reference for the in-depth promotion of the integration of  physical education and moral education. 

Keywords: school physical educationphysical education moralitymorality establishment and student cultivationphysical education and health curriculum standardcurriculum evaluation
