Characteristic analysis and cognitive reconstruction of sedentary behavior:Public health observation based on change in human behavior pattern GUO Qiang,WANG Xiao-zan
(1.School of Physical Education,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211,China; 2.School of Physical Education and Health,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China) Abstract: This study discussed the characteristics and regularity of sedentary behavior and its public health meanings, identified some core concepts of sedentary behavior, screen time, static time, and the shortage of physical activity and its sub-groups concepts’ different meanings in various context, and according to different identificationstandard of sedentary behavior, physical activity, non-exercise physical activity, and physical activity to promote health, reconstructed the dialectical relation between sedentary behavior and physical activity. The results showed that the realistic themes for sedentary behavior are that the critical transmission between sedentary behavior and the low-intensity physical activity, and the breakup of continuity with sedentary behavior, and its future development tendency may be to implement cross-discipline health education, building public information settings, developing multi-dimensional measurement tools, exploring physiological and biochemical mechanism. Key words: sedentary behavior;physical activity;energy expenditure;chronic disease;public health