(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006) 摘 要:咏春拳是晚清时期专为江湖仇杀或民间私斗而创建的拳种,以“仇”为诀,要求习练者意志坚定、心狠手辣,只要能够获得胜利,手段可以无所不用其极。其技术体系紧紧围绕“防守要害和攻击要害”而构建,并具有“占中守中、中线出击”“出其不意、攻其不备”“贴身近打、截击优先”“攻防一体、连消带打”等独树一帜的技击特征。但是为了适应现代社会的行为规范,在“体育化”的过程中,由于“重套路、轻技击”和“竞技格斗化”改造等原因导致其本质属性和技术体系的异化,不仅没能适时演化出有效的竞技能力,反而严重地弱化了原有的实战能力。 |
LIU Ni-chen
(School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China) Abstract: Wing Chu is a kind of Kungfu created in the late Qing Dynasty for gang hatred killing or folk private fighting. It bases the key on “hatred”, requires the practicers to be heartless and cruel, a long as they can win, they can use any means to the extreme. Its technical system is built by closely sticking to “defending the crucial parts and attacking the crucial parts”, and provided with such boxing characteristics as “taking and holding the middle posi-tion, attacking the middle position”, “attacking in an opponent unexpected and unprepared fashion”, “close attack-ing, giving priority to interception”, “integrated attacking and defending, attacking while defending”. However, in order to adapt to modern social behavior norms, in the process of “sport transformation”, due to reasons such as “valuing routines more important than boxing” and “competitive fighting oriented” remodeling etc, its essential at-tributes and technical system dissimilated, not only no effective competitive abilities were evolved timely, but also on the contrary, its original real combat abilities were seriously weakened. |