(暨南大学 国际关系学院,广东 广州 510632) 摘 要:足球公共外交是国家以足球为载体,面向他国社会进行的舆论引导、信息传播和思想交流活动。它的两个突出特征是参与范围广,国际影响力大;能够更好凝聚民族共识,促进多元价值共存。对于国家而言,足球公共外交有着独特的政治、经济与文化价值,值得重视。由于现实条件的限制,中国足球公共外交面临诸多问题与挑战。对此,必须加大改革创新力度,从理论和实践两个方面发力,为中国外交事业添砖加瓦。 |
XIAO Wan-jun
(School of International Studies,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China) Abstract: Football public diplomacy offers a platform for some countries to do some public opinion guidance, in-formation transmissions and international exchanges with the forms of football activities. Fully participation and in-ternational influence feature such kind of diplomatic activity, which carries the same values as notional consensus building and multicultural coexistence promoting. As for the country, football public diplomacy should be attached great importance due to its political, economic and cultural distinctions and advantages. With various constrains in reality, China has confronted dozens of challenges on its way to accomplish the football public diplomacy. There-fore, further reform and innovation with continuous efforts should be made in both theory and practices for the de-velopment of diplomatic affairs in China. |