(1.成都大学 体育学院,四川 成都 610016;2.成都体育学院 艺术学院,四川 成都 610041) 摘 要:健美健身运动蕴含舞台“活雕塑”展现的艺术性和人文价值。通过对健美健身动作造型的舞台艺术空间进行探索,研究认为健美健身动作造型空间的构成包括点、线、面、体和场的5个要素,其中点具有“空间占有量”作用,线表现出“感形”功能,面体现“多维”价值,体代表“身体符号”的意义,场具备“心灵”地位。挖掘其动作造型由具象到意象的借形述意,实现客体与主体精神空间的筑成。 |
DENG Jia1,QIU Jian-gang2
(1.College of Physical Education,Chengdu University,Chengdu 610016,China; 2.Academy of Arts,Chengdu Sport University,Chengdu 610041,China) Abstract: Bodybuilding and fitness exercise contains the artistic and humanistic value of the stage "living sculp-ture". This paper studies the stage art space of bodybuilding and fitness action modeling, and holds that: the compo-sition of bodybuilding and fitness action modeling space includes five elements: point, line, face, body and field, in which the point has the function of "space occupation", the line shows the function of "sensitive shape", the face embodies the "multidimensional" value, the body represents the meaning of "body symbol", and the "field" has the status of "mind" status. Digging its action shape from concrete to image form of representation, so as to realize the construction of the spiritual space between the object and the subject.