(1.华南理工大学 体育学院,广东 广州 510641;2.华南理工大学 摘 要:为探索国外体育营销研究热点与主题演化过程,检索Web of Science文献数据库,对2000年以来发表的以体育营销为主题的文献进行研究。研究发现国外体育营销研究热点主要集中于体育赞助、营销模型的构建、消费者行为、企业社会责任及体育营销对青少年儿童影响等方面。研究主题由企业、球队与球迷三者关系向体育营销模型及其对社会发展影响转变。同时,提出我国体育营销研究应细分体育赞助研究内容,使体育赞助研究具体化;加强体育营销模型研究,刺激人们体育消费行为;关注企业社会责任,保障青少年儿童健康生活环境。 |
WANG Lu-lu1,CHEN Dan1,GAO Xiao-bo1,2
(1.School of Physical Education,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641,China;2.Guangdong Sports Industry Development Research Base,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641,China) Abstract: In order to explore the process of evolution of foreign sports marketing research hot topics and subjects, the au-thors searched the literature database of the Web of Science, studied the literature that based on sports marketing as the subject and was published since 2000, and found that foreign sports marketing research hot topics focused mainly on sports sponsorship, marketing model establishment, consumer behaviors, enterprise social responsibilities and sports marketing’s influence on teenagers and children etc. The research subjects changed from the relationships between enterprises, teams and fans to sports marketing models and their influence on social development. In the meantime, the author put forward the followings: sports marketing research in China should subdivide sports sponsorship research contents, make sports spon-sorship research specific, strengthen sports sponsorship model research, stimulate people’s sports consumption behaviors, focus on enterprise social responsibilities, and ensure a healthy living environment for teenagers and children. |