


(1.广州体育学院 体育教育学院,广东 广州  510500;2.华南师范大学 教育科学学院,广东 广州  510631)

摘      要:以“模型”学习与“模式”学习概念辨析为基础,基于时间、空间和内容维度构建幼儿体育活动“热身操”创编过程中幼儿观察模仿学习的三维阶段模型,探讨由“模型”学习转向“模式”学习的教育价值,阐述幼儿动作学习由形似模仿的观察模仿学习阶段逐渐向神似模仿的探究创造学习阶段和超模仿的问题解决学习阶段过渡的内在机制。在此过程中教师由主动示范者转变为主动示范者和精明引导者,幼儿由被动模仿者转变为自觉模仿者和主动创造者。“模型”学习转向“模式”学习促使幼儿动作学习由低层次的“模型”学习向高层次的“模式”学习过渡,推动幼儿从被动的观察模仿学习者转变为主动的探究创造学习者,直至成为问题解决学习者。
关  键  词:幼儿体育活动;热身操;“模型”学习;“模式”学习
中图分类号:G831.1    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1006-7116(2020)03-0103-07

A new perspective of creating “Warm-up Exercise” for children sports activities:turning from “model” learning to “pattern” learning
LIANG Kun1,MA Xin-yue2,HAN Hui-jun1

(1.School of Physical Education,Guangzhou Sport University,Guangzhou 510500,China;
2.School of Education Science,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China)

Abstract: Based on the analysis of the concepts of “model” learning and “pattern” learning, and based on the dimensions of time, space and content, the authors established a three-dimensional stage model of children observational and imitational learning during “Warm-up Exercise” for children sports activities, probed into the education value of turning from “model” learning to “pattern” learning, expatiated the internal mechanism of children movement learning transitioning gradually from the observational and imitational learning stage of form-like imitation to explorative and creative learning stage of spirit-like imitation and the problem solving learning stage of super imitation. In this process, the teacher changes from the active dem-onstrator to the active demonstrator and smart guider, while the children change from the passive imitators to conscious imita-tors and active creators. Turning from “model” learning to “pattern” learning boots the transition of children movement learn-ing from low level “model” learning to high level “pattern” learning, and promotes the children to change from passive obser-vational and imitational learners to active explorative and creative learners, and even to become problem solving learners.
Key words: children sports activity;warm-up exercise;“model” learning;“pattern” learning

