(洛阳理工学院 体育教学部,河南 洛阳 471023) 摘 要:通过体育锻炼量表、负性情绪量表、自我效能感量表和心理韧性量表,采用分层整群方便抽样方法调查1 408名大学生,使用SPSS 20.0和AMOS 20.0进行中介效应和调节效应分析。结果表明:(1)体育锻炼能够正向预测自我效能感和心理韧性(个人力),且负向预测抑郁、焦虑和压力,自我效能感和心理韧性(个人力)能够负向预测抑郁、焦虑和压力;(2)自我效能感和心理韧性(个人力)在体育锻炼与负性情绪之间的中介效应占总效应比例分别为26.78%和31.33%;自我效能感和心理韧性(个人力)在体育锻炼与负性情绪之间起着显著的部分中介作用;(3)体育锻炼与心理韧性(支持力)中的家庭支持交互项的R2变化量达到显著水平,家庭支持维度在体育锻炼与负性情绪之间起到显著的负向调节作用,而人际协助与体育锻炼的交互项不显著,不能调节体育锻炼与负性情绪的相互关系。
LIU Zhao-hui
(Department of Physical Education,Luoyang Institute of Technology,Luoyang 471023,China) Abstract: By employing the physical exercise scale, the negative emotion scale, the self-efficacy scale and the re-silience scale to investigate 1 408 college students selected through a stratified cluster sampling, and SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 were adopted to analyze mediating effect and moderating effect. The results show that: (1) Physical ex-ercise can positively predict self-efficacy and mental resilience (individual power), and negatively predict de-pres-sion, anxiety and stress, as well as self-efficacy and mental resilience (individual power) can negatively predict de-pression, anxiety, and stress; (2) the mediating effects of self-efficacy and mental resilience (individual power) be-tween physical exercise and negative emotion accounted for 26.78% and 31.33% of the total effect, respectively, and that played a significant and partial mediation role between them, respectively; (3) the amount of R2 changes for the interaction between physical exercise and family support of mental resilience (supporting force) reached a sig-nificant level, and family support played a significant and negative moderating role between physical exercise and negative emotion, while the interaction from interpersonal assistance and physical exercise may not be signifi-cant and moderate the relationship between physical exercise and negative emotion.