(苏州大学 体育学院,江苏 苏州 215021) 摘 要:对医保卡用于体育健身,即基本医疗保险基金个人账户支付体育健身费用,是否符合《社会保险法》的规定进行了论证,对这项体育制度安排的合法性展开讨论,并推及对党的十八届四中全会后依法行政、依法治体的关注。研究结果表明,医保卡用于体育健身,法无授权,于法无据,违反了《社会保险法》对基本医疗保险基金支付范围的规定;对基本医疗保险药品目录、诊疗项目和医疗服务设施标准的规定;对基本医疗保险基金不得挪作其他用途的规定;对基本医疗保险基金支付结算单位及方式的规定,是明显的违法行为。 |
DONG Xin-guang,ZHANG Bao-feng
(School of Physical Education,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021,China) Abstract: The authors argued whether using Medicare Card for sports fitness, i.e. using personal account of basic medical insurance fund to pay sports fitness expenses, conforms to the stipulations of Social Insurance Law, hoping to provoke a discussion about the legitimacy of such a sports institutional arrangement, and to raise public attention to administration by law and sports governance by law after the fourth plenary session of the Party’s eighteenth con-ference. The research results indicated that using Medicare Card for sports fitness is an obvious illegal act, not au-thorized by law, and legally baseless; it violates the stipulations of Social Insurance Law about basic medical insur-ance fund payment scope, about basic medical insurance medicine catalog, treatment items and medical service fa-cility standards, about that basic medical insurance fund shall not be used for other purposes, and about basic medi-cal insurance fund payment settlement units and ways. |