(北京体育大学 教育学院,北京 100084) 摘 要:从大学社会服务职能的视角,回顾我国高等体育院校社会服务职能的发展历程,并对目前体育院校社会服务存在的问题进行了分析,以期能够为体育院校服务社会发展提供参考。研究认为社会服务观念存在偏差、社会服务能力较低、社会服务管理制度缺位是我国高等体育院校社会服务存在的主要问题。建议高等体育院校应该科学定位,树立“立足体育、服务社会”的办学理念,逐步提高社会服务意识,端正社会服务观念;加强学科建设,科学设置专业,既要重设置也要重建设,提高社会服务能力;建立健全管理制度,成立社会服务管理专职部门,以促进社会服务活动的开展;改革考核评价制度,激励教师和科研人员积极主动地参与社会服务活动。 |
LI Jun-feng,WANG Hua-zhuo
(School of Physical Education,Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: From the perspective of social service functions of universities, the authors reviewed the course of development of social service functions of sports universities in China, and analyzed problems currently existing in social service of sports universities, hoping that their research can provide reference for the development of social service of sports universi-ties. In the authors’ opinion, differences existing in social service view, low social service capacity, and the absence of a so-cial service management system, were major problems existing in social service of sports universities in China. The au-thors proposed that sports universities set their orientations scientifically, establish a university running philosophy of “Serve Society Based on Sport”, gradually enhance social service awareness, calibrate social service conception, strengthen disciplinary construction, set up majors scientifically, value setup and construction in an equally important way, enhance social service capacity, build a complete management system, establish a dedicated social service management department, so as to boost the development of social service activities, reform the examination and evaluation system, and stimulate teachers and researchers to initiatively participate in social service activities. |