(1.福建师范大学 体育科学学院,福建 福州 350108;2.温州大学 体育学院,浙江 温州 325035) 摘 要:分析我国体育学硕士研究生专业设置的源起与阶段特征,总结体育学硕士研究生专业设置60年的经验与启示。研究结果表明:新中国体育学硕士研究生专业设置经历起步、挫折和恢复、规范化、快速发展4个阶段;经过4次学科专业目录的修订、11次专业点的增设,目前体育学硕士研究生招生院校已有120所,学位点360个;专业点数逐渐增多、口径不断拓宽、布局趋于多元、形式越来越多样。然而,要使我国体育学硕士研究生专业设置更加合理,就要进一步促进专业设置的区域均衡、凸显不同院校的专业特色、避免不同专业形式的趋同化、加快专业设置标准的研制。 |
JIA Ming-xue1,2
(1.School of Physical Education,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350108,China;2.School of Physical Education,Wenzhou University,Wenzhou 325035,China) Abstract: The author analyzed the origin and stage-specific characteristics of the setup of postgraduate physical education major in China, summarized experiences in and inspirations from the 60-year setup of postgraduate physical education major, and revealed the following findings: the setup of postgraduate physical education major in new China went through 4 stages, 4 disciplinary major catalog revisions, and 11 major sector increases, currently there are 120 institutes/universities recruiting physical education postgraduates, and 360 major sectors; the major has a gradually increasing number of major sectors, a constantly expanding caliber, a layout tending to be multidi-mensional, as well as more and more diversified forms. However, in order to make the setup of postgraduate physi-cal education major in China more rational, we should further promote the regional balance of major setup, high-light the major features of different institutes/universities, avoid the assimilation of different major forms, and expe-dite the development of major setup standards. |