(1.广东金融学院 体育教学部,广东 广州 510521;2.广州体育学院,广东 广州 510500) 摘 要:对广东省4地市40所中学(初中20所、高中20所)的12 000名13~18岁学生体质健康进行调研。结果显示:2014年广东省青少年学生体质健康的身体机能指标如肺活量,部分身体素质指标如女生50 m跑和800 m跑、1 min仰卧起坐,男生1 000 m跑及引体向上指标略有回升;身体素质如立定跳远、坐位体前屈、男生50 m跑指标,身体形态BMI指数指标呈现下降趋势。总体而言,广东省青少年学生体质健康部分指标略有回升,但整体仍呈现下降趋势。 |
XU Yan1,XU Ying2,PU Bi-wen1
(1.Department of Physical Education,Guangdong University of Finance,Guangzhou 510521,China;2.Guangzhou Sport University,Guangzhou 510500,China) Abstract: The authors investigated the physical health of 12 000 13~18 years old students from 40 middle schools (20 junior high schools and 20 high schools) in 4 cities in Guangdong province, and revealed the following findings: used to describe the physical health of teenage students in Guangdong province in 2014, body function indexes such as lung ca-pacity, some body quality indexes such as 50 m run, 800 m run and 1min sit-up for girl students, 1 000 m run and pull-up for boy students, were slightly improved; body quality indexes such as standing long jump, sit-and-reach, 50m run for boy students, and BMI, showed a deteriorating trend. In general, used to describe the physical health of teenage students in Guangdong province, some indexes were slightly improved, but most of the indexes showed a deteriorating trend. |