(1.上海体育学院,上海 200438;2.华东师范大学 体育与健康学院,上海 200241) 摘 要:上海市体育业余训练教练员分布广泛,在训单位多元化,年龄结构合理、学历较高,管理趋于制度化、规范化,继续教育越来越受重视。但也存在一些问题,如工资待遇相对较低、教练员业务考核机制不健全、教练员激励措施针对性不强、教练员培训体系不完善等。提出完善教练员业务考核制度和优化教练员奖励制度等改进措施。 |
DONG Chao1,DONG Cui-xiang2,JI Liu2
(1.Shanghai Sport University,Shanghai 200438,China;2.School of Physical Education & Health,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China) Abstract: The construction of amateur training coach teams in Shanghai has made delightful achievements, e.g. coach events are distributed extensively; units trained are diversified; the coaches have a rational age structure and a high education background; coach management tends to be institutionalized and standardized; coach cultivation is ever increasingly valued. However, there are problems too, e.g. their salaries and benefits are relatively low; the coach business examination mechanism is not sound; coach rewarding measures are not very action specific; the coach training system is not perfected, etc. The authors put forward measures for improvement, such as perfecting the coach business examination system and optimizing the coach rewarding system etc. |