(1.广东石油化工学院 体育学系,广东 茂名 525000;2.茂名卫生学校,广东 茂名 525000) 摘 要:对我国武术文化的华侨华人传播脉络和特征进行分析,研究表明武术文化由商贸、谋生以及逃难等的华侨华人传播到周边国家;华侨华人大规模出现主要在近现代,武术文化伴随着其发展经历了无意识传播、自发组织传播和有组织传播3个阶段;在新中国政府的支持下,主动传播成为了华人华侨国际传播武术文化的主要特征,孔子学院、专门的培训基地等成为重要的传播形式。 |
JIE Guang-ze1,FU Ai-li2
(1.Department of Physical Education,Guangdong University of Petrochemical Tachnology,Maoming 525000,China;2.Maoming Health School,Maoming 525000,China) Abstract: The authors analyzed the channels and characteristics of communication of Chinese Wushu culture via the oversea Chinese, and revealed the following findings: in ancient times, Wushu culture was spread to neighboring countries by the oversea Chinese doing a business, making a living or fleeing from a calamity; the appearance of the oversea Chinese on a large scale mainly happened in modern times, accompanying their development, Wushu cul-ture had experienced such 3 stages as unconscious communication, spontaneously organized communication and organized communication; in contemporary times, as supported by the Chinese government, initiative communica-tion becomes the main characteristic of international communication of Wushu culture via the oversea Chinese, while Confucius Institute, specialized training bases etc, become important forms of communication. |