(重庆工商大学 体育学院,重庆 400067) 摘 要:了解高校体育的现实困境对于高校体育的未来发展具有重要意义。从多维视角对我国高校体育的困境进行了解析,认为高校体育至少面临以下6大困境:大学体育功能的弱化;体育课程实际地位低下;现行教育制度对体育的忽视;社会舆论对体育的淡漠;学校体育理论对实践缺乏指导;体育科研对体育教学缺乏支持。在此基础上,提出了化解高校体育困境的出路。 |
(School of Physical Education,Chongqing Technology and Business University,Chongqing 400067,China) Abstract: Understanding the realistic dilemmas of college physical education has important significance to the fu-ture development of college physical education. The author analyzed the dilemmas of college physical education in China from multiple perspectives, and concluded that college physical education was facing at least the following 6 dilemmas: the weakening of college physical education functions; the actual status of physical education curriculum being low; the ignoring of physical education by the currently effective education system; public opinions’ indiffer-ence to physical education; school physical education theories’ lack of guidance for practice; physical education searches’ lack of guidance for physical education teaching. On such a basis, the author put forward ways out for re-solving the dilemmas of college physical education. |