(韩山师范学院 体育学系,广东 潮州 521041) 摘 要:对社会体育专业发展遭遇的困境进行探讨并提出改革思路。社会体育专业发展遭遇的困境有某些自身因素,也与后来设置的体育经济、体育管理与休闲体育等专业密切相关,正是由于这4个专业的并存,导致了专业交叉、课程雷同和就业岗位相近的现状。欲突破社会体育专业发展的困境,有必要统筹改革这4个专业,提出了合并社会体育与休闲体育专业,合并体育经济与体育管理专业的改革思路,并论证了合并的理由及合并后在培养目标、课程内容、实践环节、资格证书及学生就业等方面的改革措施。 |
XIN Song-he
(Department of Physical Education,Hanshan Normal University,Chaozhou 521041,China) Abstract: The author probed into dilemmas encountered by social sports specialty development and put forward ideas for reform. Dilemmas encountered by social sports specialty development are inclusive of some intrinsic fac-tors, also closely related to such specialties as sports economy, sports management and leisure sports; it is because of the coexistence of these 4 specialties that has resulted in such a current situation as specialty crossing, course sameness and employment post similarity. To break through dilemmas in social sports specialty development, it is necessary to reform these 4 specialties in a coordinated way. The author put forward such ideas for reform as to merge social sports with leisure sports specialty, as well as to merge sports economy with sports management spe-cialty, and demonstrated reasons for merging and measures for reform after merging in terms of cultivation objec-tive, curriculum content, practice link, qualification certificate and student employment etc. |