(中北大学 体育学院,山西 太原 030051) 摘 要:研究了54名生活年龄在15~16岁之间的男子篮球运动员的体格和生理成熟度对身体素质的影响。体格指标选择身高和体重,生理成熟度通过临床检查评估。针对身体素质的7项测试内容分别为:30 m跑、坐位体前屈、十字跳、20 m×28折返跑、60 s仰卧起坐、坐姿双手胸前传球和半蹲跳。不同生理成熟度的篮球运动员之间采用协方差分析进行比较(控制生活年龄),身体素质与体格、生理成熟度的关系采用多元线性回归分析。研究结果表明,身体素质在很大程度上与生理成熟度无关;生活年龄对4项身体素质(坐位体前屈、十字跳、20 m×28折返跑、坐姿双手胸前传球)有明显的预测作用,生理成熟度仅对20 m×28折返跑和半蹲跳有明显的预测作用,体重和体重×身高交互作用分别与20 m×28折返跑和半蹲跳呈负相关。 |
WANG Cheng-jun
(School of Physical Education,North University of China,Taiyuan 030051,China) Abstract: The author studied the effects of the degrees of physical and physiological maturity on the physical quali-ties of 54 teenage male basketball players at a life age ranging from 15.0 to 16.9. Height and weight were selected as physical indexes; the degree of physiological maturity was evaluated via clinical checkup. 7 physical quality tar-geted test contents were respectively 30m run, body bending forward from a sitting position, cross jump, 20m x 28 shuttle run, 60s sit-up, chest ball pass with both hands in a sitting position, and squat jump. Basketball players with different degrees of physiological maturity were compared by means of covariance analysis (controlling life age); the relations between physical qualities and physique and the degree of physiological maturity were analyzed by using multivariate linear regression. The research results indicate the followings: physical qualities are irrelevant to the degree of physiological maturity to a great extent; life age has an obvious predicting function on 4 physical qualities (body bending forward in a sitting position, cross jump, 20m x 28 shuttle run, chest ball pass with both hands in a sitting position); the degree of physiological maturity has an obvious predicting function only on 20m x 28 shuttle run and squat jump; weight and the interaction of weight and height show a negative correlation with 20m x 28 shuttle run and squat jump respectively. |