(1.山东师范大学 体育学院,山东 济南 250014;2.山东师范大学 教育学院,山东 济南 250014) 摘 要:对山东省初中体育学业水平考试制度进行系统分析,认为山东省现行的初中体育学业水平考试制度存在5大问题:将体育成绩计入中考总分与中考改革推行等级制相矛盾、过程性考核与终结性考核比重分配失衡、考试项目内容选择不合理、考试的免试与加分制度不公平、考试成绩的真实性得不到保障等。在对存在的问题进行分析基础上,提出解决问题的建议:第一,体育考试成绩不计入中考总分,推行细化等级评价制度;第二,考试采取过程性考核与终结性考核相结合方式,加强过程性考核的监管力度;第三,废除身高、体重、肺活量等项目,增加选测项目的数量;第四,严格细化体育考试的免试与加分制度,确保考试公平;第五,全面推行“电子化”考试,培养高素质考务人员,保证考试公开透明。 |
ZHOU Jian-dong1,2,YU Tao1,WEI Pi-yong1,LI Chu-tao1
(1.School of Physical Education,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China,2 School of Education,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China) Abstract: The authors analyzed the junior high school physical education academic proficiency examination system in Shandong province, and concluded that the junior high school physical education academic proficiency examina-tion system currently effective in Shandong province had the following 5 major problems: counting physical educa-tion scores into midterm examination total score contradicted the grade system implemented in midterm examina-tion reform; the distribution of proportions of procedural examinations and summative examinations were out of balance; examination item and content selection was irrational; the examination exemption and bonus point award-ing system was unfair; the genuineness of examination scores was not ensured. Based on their analysis of the exist-ing problems, the authors offered the following ideas for solving the problems: 1)do not count physical education examination scores into midterm examination total score; implement a refined grade evaluation system; 2)give ex-aminations in a procedural examination and summative examination combined way; strengthen the supervision of procedural examinations; 3)get rid of such items as height, weight and lung capacity, and increase the number of op-tional test items; 4)strictly refine the physical education examination exemption and bonus point awarding system; ensure examination fairness; 5)comprehensively implement electronic examinations; cultivate high quality examin-ers; ensure examination transparency. |