(东北师范大学 体育学院 ,吉林 长春 130024) 摘 要:从克莱普冰刀的特点、弯道身体倾斜角度、蹬冰角度、疾跑技术和衔接技术等方面对短道速滑和速度滑冰的直道技术、弯道技术和起跑技术进行对比分析,指出短道速滑运动员的弯道技术要优于速度滑冰运动员,从而成为短道速滑向速度滑冰转型的运动员的主要优势,相应的直道技术则沦为劣势,以此可作为判断运动员是否适合转型,以及改进转型后的技术动作的依据。 |
TAO Yu-jing,LI Qi-jun
(School of Physical Education,Northeast Normal University,Changchun 130024,China) Abstract: The authors carried out a comparative analysis on straight skating technique, bend skating technique and starting technique used in short track speed skating and speed skating in terms of Klap skates characteristics, body tilting angle during bend skating, ice striking angle, sprinting technique and connecting technique etc, and pointed out the followings: the bend skating technique of short track speed skaters is better than that of speed skaters, thus becoming the main advantage of a skater who transforms from short track speed skating to speed skating, while corresponding straight skating technique becomes his/her disadvantage, which can be used as a criterion for deter-mining whether a skater is suitable for transformation, and for improving technical moves after transformation. |